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Swimming is a vital life skill that unfortunately many children do not learn. Latest figures have shown that 138,000 children (almost one in four) cannot swim the statutory 25m when they leave primary school. This is a statistic I want to help change. ABC Swim UK follows the Swimming Teachers Association scheme, with a strong focus on water safety. 


Swimming is beneficial for children in many ways: 

















Swimming is a  cardiovascular activity- which improves lung and heart condition significantly. Swimming uses the whole body so muscular strength and endurance develops. Regular swimming activity may also help children fight childhood obesity, which is steadily rising. 





Social Skills


Taking part in regular group exercise activities will assist in helping your children meet new people, and experience valuable social engagement with children with similar interests outside their classrooms. 














Safety Skills


Taking part in swimming lessons is teaching your child vital skills to ensure they are safe whilst having fun in the water. In the UK drowning sadly makes up more deaths than fires in the home and cycle related losses. 














Mental development


According to studies, the exercise children undertake during swimming can create a mind and body connection. In turn creating improvement in their brain development and intelligence.























     For information regards to the Swimming Teachers Association award scheme please click here





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